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16 And when cherubims went, also the wheels beside those went together (with them); when the cherubims raised [up] their wings, that those should be enhanced from the earth, the wheels abided not still, but also those were beside cherubims. (And when the cherubim went, the wheels also went beside them; and when the cherubim raised up their wings, so that they would be lifted up from the earth, the wheels were not still, but they went up beside the cherubim.)

17 The wheels stood with those cherubims standing, and were raised [up] with the cherubims raised [up]; for the spirit of life was in those wheels. (The wheels stopped when the cherubim stopped, and were raised, or were lifted, up when the cherubim were lifted up; for the spirit of life was in those wheels.)

18 And the glory of the Lord went out from the threshold of the temple, and stood on the cherubims. (And the glory of the Lord went out from the threshold of the Temple, and stood above the cherubim.)

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